Land Development Opportunity
Shotley Suffolk IP9 1QJFor Sale
Price On Application
The area of this development site is 58.38 acres with a perimeter of 8,664 Ft.
The property is located on a residential road close to local shops and amenities. Located on the Essex/ Suffolk border, Shotley is a picturesque villeage with around 2,500 residents and a strong community feel. The wonderful views alone make Shotley a marvellous destination but add the history and culture gained from its two war cemeteries at St.Mary’s Church and the HMS Ganges museum at Shotley Marina make the many walking routes a wonderfully interesting place to explore. This site is within close proximity to Shotley Marina and just 10 minutes from the centre of Ipswich.
Planning Granted
Ref Number: B/12/00500/FUL
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